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Informacija birželis 2022

New load safety videos available in LOADS TODAY

At LKW WALTER, safety on the road, rail and sea is our top priority. Safety means saving lives and requires our utmost commitment. As a premium provider in the transport sector, we wish to set the bar high and maintain these standards of quality. To assure this, we have created new, load safety videos for our transport partners.

For us, safety begins with securing the goods. Faulty or missing load restraints regularly lead to accidents, injuries and even fatalities on Europe's roads. Our training materials deal intensively with this topic and are available to our partners around the clock in CONNECT, LOADS TODAY and on the LOADS TODAY app. This means they always have access to the latest rules and regulations, while also enjoying useful tips and guidance. The latest measure for this is our updated videos, which primarily cover the correct securing of high-risk goods such as steel or granite slabs.

With this easily accessible content, topics are explained in a simple and logical way and ensure maximum safety on the road. In order to meet our high standards, the videos have been quality-tested by DEKRA - a long-standing partner of LKW WALTER for safety issues. The key benefit is particularly evident in practice, as they make everyday life more efficient for the drivers thanks to the rapid accessibility of the videos in our app.


All training materials as well as our new videos can be found here.

Photos from the set

Take a look behind the scenes of our video shoot here: