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 Wie ein grüner Faden zieht sich das Kombiverkehr-Netzwerk von LKW WALTER durch Europa
Imprezy październik 2021

Future Lab 2021: Combined transport as an important cornerstone in the strategy of LKW WALTER

Karl Schauer, director at LKW WALTER, held a gripping keynote at this year’s Future Lab. The main topics were development, sustainability and the future of combined transport. At this point, for LKW  WALTER it’s all about a sustainable, well-performing supply chain, which allows an efficient interaction between transport and the environment.

Sometimes an idea becomes a concept. And if such a concept meets the needs of many people, then it is capable of transforming the whole industry. From the very beginning of combined transport in the 80’s, LKW WALTER was convinced that it could change the way we talk about transport. Even though this pioneering work was tough, combined transport has since proved to be a promising and suitable solution to many challenges at hand. Therefore, we took our chance and used this year’s Future Lab at the Austrian Logistiktag 2021 to talk extensively about combined transport and its potential for reducing CO2 emissions. One of the keynotes was held by Karl Schauer, who shared his extensive experience with the audience. /p>

Karl Schauer, Director at LKW WALTER

„In 2021 we are going to manage more than 500,000 loads with combined transport, after 458,000 in 2020.”

40 years of combined transport at LKW WALTER

Our road to becoming a specialist and leading provider in the intermodal sector of the European transport industry, was no easy one. Starting already in the 80s, within ten years we introduced the first block train passing the Alps between Germany and Italy. From 2005 onward, we developed intermodal routes on the West-to-East axis. At this time, many of the large freighter-nations like Poland, Czech Republic or Slovakia, joined the European Union. “At first, we had to prove market ability, which is why the first West-to-East transports started only two years later. After that we continued to expand enormously” stated Karl Schauer. Today, the intermodal network has become a green pathway, spread across all of Europe. LKW Walter, with its early & innovate expansion, can truly call itself one of the pioneers.

Combined transport at LKW WALTER at a glance:


  • More than 13,000 cranable trailers equipped with a GPS tracking system
  • More than 300 departures on over 250 Ferry and Rail Routes
  • More than 500,000 loads with combined transport in 2021 (458,000 loads in 2020)
  • The share of combined transport within the total volume increases steadily. Building upon the current 30 per cent, the expected share is 40 to 45 percent by 2024
If you are interested in Mr Schauer’s entire keynote, where he discusses how combined transport is a viable solution to the current driver shortage, you’ll find the whole article in the latest issue of ÖVZ.