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Bærekraft mai 2022

Over 14,000 Craneable Trailers Now in Use: Volatile Markets Reveal the Long-Term Advantages of Combined Transport.

The volatility of the transport market is a topic currently on all industries’ agendas. Alongside the increasing costs resulting from energy and fuel prices, an additional cause for concern is the fundamental stability of the supply chain.

Due to the lack of drivers and the global political situation, the stability of the supply chain is under immense pressure. Delays and cancellations are a real danger, as the capacities lag far behind the current demand. It must be stated that there is no single solution that simply bypasses these circumstances; visions of driverless trucks and the like are still a long way off. Combined transport remains the best and most realistic solution for the current challenges facing the sector - it maintains a significant advantage over alternatives due to the greater attractiveness of short-distance trucking to new drivers.

A stronger supply chain Combined Transport Solutions

Day to day practices show what theory has suggested for many years: the more volatile the situation on the market, the better combined transport can demonstrate its strength. Particularly on Europe's long-haul routes, customers benefit from the reliability of intermodal connections, strengthening the entire supply chain. Driving bans and traffic jams at the borders (here freight trains are usually given preferential treatment and are much quicker to clear) are just one piece of the puzzle. The EU mobility package too does not make it any easier for classic road transport. These changes and demands require and encourage innovation and open the market up for alternatives. This is exactly where combined transport can position itself as the suitable solution. Drivers travel shorter distances and therefore can be at home more often, making the job more family-friendly. Both stability and a high performance level are available via rail in the long term and can be seen as future-proof. This prospect is also the reason for the ongoing site work on the railways. Many operators pursue the goal to strengthen and improve the transport by rail from year to year. Even if combined transport cannot guarantee absolute stability, in uncertain times like these it becomes more than an alternative, it becomes a necessity.

Sustainability with Combined Transport Solutions

One of the greatest advantages of combined transport stands above both stability and performance: sustainability. With rail & short-sea solutions, any company paying attention to their carbon footprint can be assured that their goods are transported while maintaining the most attractive CO2 balance on the market. In 2021, with the support of our customers, LKW WALTER was able to save over 445,000 tons of CO2 with over 512,000 full truck loads in combined transport. We are still a long way from reaching the full potential, but with extensive investments, we are significantly expanding our intermodal network. This includes both the continuous expansion of the route network and the considerable growth of our own trailer fleet - this already consists of over 14,000 craneable trailers, and continues to grow. An annual increase of ten percent each year is planned in order to attain our goal: 16,000 trailers by our 100th anniversary in 2024. The reason for this growth is not simply our drive and dedication, but also our customers, who are increasingly demanding combined transport solutions. Sustainable thinking is not merely a commitment by those involved: it is our responsibility to future generations that drives our progress.

Are you looking for a transport solution that makes your entire supply chain greener?